Monday, July 21, 2014

Why it's Important to be Digital in our Classrooms

Why do teachers need to embrace the digital age?  In short, it's because digital skills are increasingly needed for just about every profession!  While your students may not be learning a digital skill for a specific future career in your class, learning to use different programs, apps, and software in your course will help train their brain to learn those career specific skills in their future jobs.

Here's how healthcare is being affected by digital tools.  My own doctor uses a laptop in the exam room, using it to record things her patients tell her, to remind her of what we've gone over already, and to have my various lab results at her fingertips.  She also sends my prescriptions to my pharmacy electronically, and will either print out or e-mail me a summary of what we've discussed that day for my reference.  How are digital tools affecting the careers your students plan to go in?

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