Friday, October 4, 2013

Keep Calm and Just Grade

Muting Assignments

Muting assignments allows instructors to grade, regrade, make comments (change and add comments), etc. all without students getting notifications every time you do something.

This heads off student stress about why they received a certain quiz grade when you haven't graded the typed responses yet, a grade (that was mistakenly given to them),why they haven’t received their grades when classmates have, why they received 2 or more grades for the same assignment (now that you've adjusted it), etc.

It allows instructors to grade discussions as they happen without needing to wait for every post to be submitted, grade quizzes without concern for students sharing answers or getting an inaccurate grade until you finish scoring the text entry questions. You can change grades, make additional comments, adjust class assignment scores, etc., then release them all at once. Just grade as you go, and then “unmute” it when you’re all done. 


There are a couple of ways. The easiest (for me) is in the gradebook. Hover over the assignment title, and you’ll see an arrow in the bottom right of the cell. Click it…and voila! “Mute Assignment” is there. 

Once you mute, a mute icon appears next to the title.

When you’re all finished grading, just go back to the gradebook and unmute it. Unmute will be right where mute was. Enjoy!

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