Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Messaging the Masses With A Personal Touch

Mass Messaging Can Appear As Individual Messages

Ever want to contact multiple students about the same thing, but 1) want to do it more efficiently than typing or copying many emails and 2) have it appear as a personal message for the students? In Canvas you can!

First, go to the Gradebook.

Then, hover over the title of whatever assignment you would like to send a message concerning. You should be able to see a drop-down arrow on the bottom-right of the assignment title's cell [1]. Click the arrow, and among the options, you should see "Message Students Who..." [2]

Once you select the "Message Students Who..." [2] option, you should see a separate window. In that window, you have options of messaging students who: haven't submitted yet, haven't been graded, scored less than (and you set the score), and scored more than (and you set the score).[3]

Once the group you want is selected, names will appear of those fitting the criteria [4]. A subject line will also appear (which you can edit--but keep in mind that students benefit most when they know what specifically the praise, etc. is addressing. So, if you edit the subject line, be sure to include somewhere what assignment you are talking about).[5]

Just type you message in the message box [6], hit "send message," [7] and your personal touch is on the way to however many you choose...a personal touch for the masses!

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