Thursday, May 2, 2013

Outlook Tip: Save Emails as .Plain Text - Open in Word

I got this tip from Heinz Tschabitscher who posts weekly Outlook tips at Sometimes I wish to store or share an email as a Word file. This is easy to do in Outlook using Heinz's tip for this week.

The Instructions from his post at are:

To save an email as plain text in Outlook:
  1. Open the desired message in the Outlook preview pane.
    • To save multiple messages to one text file, highlight them all in the mailbox.
  2. In Outlook 2007:
    • Select Save As from the message's Office button.
  3. In Outlook 2003:
    • Choose File | Save As... from the menu.
  4. Make sure Text Only (or Text Only (*.txt)) is selected under Save as type:.
  5. Type the desired file name under File name.
  6. Choose the folder to save your emails in under Save in:.
  7. Click Save
That's it. You can now open Word, navigate to the file and open it in Word. Once open in Word, you can save the file as a Word document.

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