Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Clean Up Your Facebook!!!

Facebook..................Isn't it great?! You can connect with all of your friends and family and let them know what you are doing every minute of the day................but what does Facebook mean to potential employers??

Facebook has become a covert way for employers to see what you are like outside of work. Do you post negative comments about your current employer? If so, STOP!! Do you post pictures of yourself that could be construed as tawdry or vulgar? If so, STOP!! Prospective employers are now using Facebook, so we need to spend time professionally managing our social media image.

One way to do this is to use socioclean, which is a free service that will scan your social media accounts and give you a grade. I had socioclean scan my Facebook, and I received an A. However, the service found two postings made by my friends that could be considered questionable. The site showed me the postings, and I was able to delete them.

My Facebook received an A. What is your grade?

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