Friday, June 10, 2011

Making it personal

About six weeks ago or so, Linda shared some info she found regarding a little known function of ANGEL: tasks. From what we have found, it is a reminder tool for people who forget to check or update their calendars - like me. And a bit more.

You can add Personal Tasks for yourself OR anyone in your course

Click the Personal Task link in the Guide Pane (left side of ANGEL screen- it may be collapsed)
Click Add a Task. Now fill in a subject, body, due date and the task recipient (you or your student[s])

You can also transform an ANGEL email into a task. I think this could be a useful quick shortcut as a reminder to follow up on the content of the email. To add an email as a task, open the email and choose Create a Task from the Action Menu, and click Go.

The tasks now show up on your task pane within your course, and as icons on your ANGEL homepage with your course listing (see below). (You must have that function enabled in the settings for the Course nugget) You can ALSO add a nugget to your ANGEL homepage called My Tasks by clicking on Edit Page.

I think there may be more undocumented ways to add tasks, but I haven't found them yet. Check this out and please share any ideas YOU might have to incorporate this tool into your teaching.

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